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- Download windows creators update free 



- Get the Windows 10 Mobile Fall Creators Update


Kun olet valmis, valitse Asenna. Tarkista seuraavat seikat tietokoneessa, johon haluat asentaa Windows n: tai bittinen suoritin. Windowsin kieli. Windowsin tuoteversio. Microsoft Office -tuotteet. All right, let's get to it. First, let me state: Before you install any big OS update, it's a good idea to back up your system in case something goes awry during the installation.

You can simply upload important files to your preferred cloud service or an external drive. You should also make sure your computer meets the system requirements :.

To be fair, rolling out an update to hundreds of millions of computers takes time and planning. Before you do this, make sure you've backed up all your important information and documents. Check out our list of the best free backup software for advice. Microsoft has made the process of downloading and installing the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update using a fresh install very easy.

Download and install the tool, then open it up and agree to the license terms. Once the tool has formatted and created the installation drive, you can restart your PC, boot from the drive and install the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update from scratch. It looks like this:.

If you press that "Yes, show me how" button, I'm not totally sure it'll bring you the update any quicker. But it registers your interest with Microsoft, so it probably won't hurt to press it, either. Once the update is available, the steps should be roughly the same as usual :. The riskiest, but also the most certain way to get Windows features fast: opt into a program where Microsoft installs unfinished versions of Windows on your computer.

Windows Insiders have already been playing with earlier versions of the Creators Update for months. Microsoft has updated its Software Download page with the Creators Update. Now we're in the danger zone: a clean install means wiping your PC, so you have the freshest copy of Windows without any bits of old apps clogging things up.


Windows 10 Creators Update (Windows) - Download

  And if you tried it before Microsoft uploaded the Creators Update, you might have wound up with a clean copy of Anniversary Edition instead of the new hotness.    
